Barista Spotlight: Third Edition

One of the marks of growing up is wrangling with a tension—knowing more of who you are while recognizing that there are multiple versions of yourself. We’re endlessly being shaped by the people and things we interact with. This fact comes with the recognition—and...

Round Two: Get to Know your Baristas

It’s time for our second installment of getting to know our baristas! This week features baristas Hannah, Julie, Nate, and a special check in with our founder Kenny. Each set of answers are worthy of spending some time with, but trust us when we say that you...
Get to Know the New Roosevelt Baristas

Get to Know the New Roosevelt Baristas

As the recent influx of iced drinks loves to remind us, we’re officially in the heat of summer. With more sun and the annual excitement around Frank’s new recipes for our summer menu, the cloud of summer buzz seems to be in full effect at the Roosevelt....