We apologize for struggling to post news more often. The good news is that this means business and impact have been so strong we haven’t been able to get to the keyboard to tell you. And make sure to follow the social media thread you follow the most. We are active out there. So here’s a list of the goodness.
This is our infographic on what you accomplished through us this first year.
We are included in the national coffee mag Fresh Cup article on the collaboration of Columbus coffee shops on the Columbus Coffee trail. The trail is getting national recognition for its effectiveness in bringing a thriving coffee scene to Columbus and the out of town visitors it engages.
The CEOS for Cities National Meeting is being held in Columbus this year and we are the first thing mentioned in their current article on what the visit to Columbus will look like.
If you have never been to our Artisan Pop Up Sundays we hope you will make plans to do so soon. They are held the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 10AM-2PM. It’s like having a live version of Etsy. We feature up to six vendors each time and they are just incredible. Here is the link to the Not Your Mama’s Facebook Page that promotes it for us.
Beautiful little Tumblr post about their experience here,
We were mentioned in a Tampa, Florida newspaper article on discovering Columbus. Real nice stuff in this one,
Here is a shameless request to give us some love on Yelp. Be descriptive, one paragraph reviews don’t make the cut. You know you love us enough to write at least two paragraphs.